Lori Craig (514) 926-5764

Welcome to Lori's 'Love it or LEAVE IT'
Transforming living spaces and lives
Transforming living spaces and lives
Putting your home in order will positively affect other aspects of your life.
When you release items you were not using or which did not have meaning for you anymore, you have created a space for new and interesting people or experiences to come into your life.
There is nothing that compares with knowing your home is filled with only things you love. (and it feels great!!)
Some items are useful or mean something. That is valid.
Nobody else can judge for you what you hold dear.
One of the reactions I get when people learn that I am a declutter specialist is they ask, 'Oh, so you work with hoarders?'
(more often than not, 'hoarding' is born out of a traumatic event, a loss of some kind, and requires the help of a therapist)
My clients are people who want to feel more peaceful in their space right now, not only those downsizing or moving.
Get in touch if you'd like to know more about what I do and how I can assist you.
Welcome to my site. I'm always updating with fresh, new ideas and pics from my latest clients. Stop by often!
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